Tuesday 9 June 2009

Tube Strike

A 48-hour Tube strike has started tonight. For this we have to thank the RMT and its leader Bob Crow. I honestly can’t find enough words to show all my contempt for this lowlife. Tube train drivers already have one of the most generous contracts to be found in or around London. Excellent wages (compared to the sector average), plenty of days off etc... Obviously this is not enough for Bob Crow as allegedly his original demands included a 5% pay rise as well as the guarantee of no compulsory redundancies from TfL. In what world do the RMT leaders live in??
In these recessionary times, lots of people have lost their job or had to take a pay cut... and these morons want an above-inflation pay rise?? By bullying the RMT members and coercing them into strike, the RMT politburo have shown (ONCE AGAIN) that they have no consideration whatsoever for the paying commuters. Nowadays people like Bob Crow should only be seen at the Natural History Museum – along with other long-extinct animals – rather than at the negotiating table with the TfL officials.

However it is today’s news that the RMT would have agreed to call off the strike if two recently sacked RMT members had been reinstated. In my books this is the lowest form of blackmail, pure and simple. For the record, both drivers were dismissed over serious disciplinary offences. One was sacked for opening the doors on the wrong side of the train, then allegedly lying about carrying out safety checks. How picky of TfL!! What is a wrong set of doors between friends after all?!? The second driver will go on trial later this month for theft. Even Paris Hilton will be able to tell you that if you risk the chop if you nick something from your workplace.
Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, was spot on today in labelling the RMT leadership ‘demented’. I think it would be rather fitting if this ‘James’ (Bob Crow) was run over by an overcrowded bus tomorrow.

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