Monday 8 June 2009

Big Brother?? More like Big Snooze

The tenth edition of Big Brother has kicked off and the viewing public's reaction has been a big yawn. Let's be brutally honest here - it is a tired formula and the general public isn't interested anymore. I wouldn't be surprised (or disappointed for that matter) at all if this happens to be the last edition of BB.
In the first few years, viewers were attracted to this programme because of two main factors in my opinion; 1) the novelty factor;and 2) the BB housemates kind of represented a cross-section of British society. Now the novelty factor has definitely gone, in fact it went ages ago, roughly when the housemates eventually cottoned on the fact that there is a big prize for the winner and their behaviour in the house started being dictated more by 'winning strategies' (if there is such a thing) and less by their inner selves.
Additionally I would seriously consider sticking my head in the Thames wearing concrete shoes if the current housemates are a fair representation of society on these shores. For the vast majority they're just a bunch of 20- or 30-something publicity-hungry freaks. And invariably - according to the BB bible that isthe Daily Star - they are all sex-hungry. Always. 24/7. Without exception.
For a refreshing change, it'd be nice to have an edition when the BB housemates get enough rumpy-pumpy and are pretty happy with their sex lives. I wonder what the Daily Star would make of that....
As a parting shot, I think that a programme should knows that it's on its last legs when the Daily Star is the only paper that mentions it on its front page. Will BB producers take the hint??

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