Thursday 30 April 2009

The Apprentice - Week 6

Another good episode of The Apprentice last night.
Noorul (the quiet Asian doctor) got fired and - although he probably shouldn't have gone last night - I'm a bit surprised that he lasted 6 weeks in the show.
As Nick (Sugar's sidekick) put it in the studio with Adrian Chiles later, Noorul is a very nice guy.... which is what ultimately led to his downfall. Probably too nice and definitely too quiet to have any chance of landing the job. Shy mice needn't apply to go onto this programme as sooner rather than later, Sir Alan will cotton onto the fact that they are flying under the radar. Noorul had already been warned by Sir Alan and his sidekicks so his days were kind of numbered. And I suppose that asking "Is it in foreign?" about a catalogue didn't exactly help him prolong his stay....

The episode couldn't have started better as far as I'm concerned as the two most despicable characters (Ben and Philip) were chosen as Project Managers. "Great - I thought - one of them is gonna get canned!!". And secretly I hoped that both would infuriate Sir Alan so much that both would get the chop on the same night. Little I knew that Ben's and Philip's deceitful tactics and blatant lies could fool Sugar once again.

As far as Ben is concerned, he didn't waste time to remind us that he bloody won a Sandhurst scholarship (although he never went). I honestly wish he had actually gone there: 1) so he wouldn't annoy me by being on TV; and 2) because I don't think they suffer fools gladly in the Army and therefore Ben would be bogwashed more times than Ian Beale did in Eastenders.

Here are my highlights of last night's episode:
1) "WHAAAAT??" - James' shocked reaction when Ben mentions him as one of the two teammates he'd like to bring back in the boardroom for the final three showdown. James' mood improved considerably seconds later when Ben (playing 'strategic' games) changed his mind and chose Debra instead.... only for poor James to be shot down in flames when Sugar implied that James had been picked as he was the village idiot!
2) PTN (ie. Philip) sitting very unfomfortably in a posh restaurant after leading his team to victory in last night's task. The guy wouldn't know style if it hit him in the face and it was glaring that PTN was like a fish out of water. He tried to sip a glass of expensive red wine like a connoisseur... however (unlike connoisseurs!!) he had nothing valuable or interesting to say about it. Just like good wines, antiques are another totally grey area for PTN as he failed to see any value in the £200-worth rug. Although I am not into antiques at all, I probably have more chances of appearing in this Sunday's Antique Roadshow than PTN.....

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