Thursday 23 April 2009

The Apprentice - Week 5

Great episode of The Apprentice last night - if you missed it, then you should try and watch it on the ITV website.
I felt a bit sorry for Kimberly when the got the sack from Sir Alan. Ok, I hear you, she was the team leader so ultimately the buck stops with her.
However it still puzzles me how Philip The Northerner could avoid the chop, when he was clearly the main responsible for one of the most inept team projects in the history of The Apprentice.
The whole Pantsman idea was (in the words of Sir Alan) total garbage and I couldn't agree more. The cereal box that Ignite (Kimberly's and PTN's team) created looked like it had been designed by a 4-year old or, even worse, me.
Also what on earth possessed PTN to be the 'voice' for their commercial's not-so-catchy tune? He is so tone-deaf that watching him sing made me cringe. I could have done better, honestly I could. And I am no Andrea Bocelli, mind you. although I'm working hard on matching his size.
Just when I thought that I couldn't dislike PTN more, even if I tried, I found out that he is an estate agent from Durham. I would have thrown the remote in anger at the TV if I hadn't quickly realised that fate dealt him quite a few dodgy cards in his life already and you don't kick a man when he's down. Although I could consider making a special exception for PTN if I hear him say again "Business is the new rock 'n' roll and I'm Elvis Presley". You know what I mean?? What a five-knuckle shuffler. He's definitely taken on the mantle of most hated character in this year's series. Yes, PTN managed to even surpass Ben (the brace-wearing twat) in my hate books, which is no mean feat.
And last but not least..... I also hate PTN for seemingly getting cosy with the only decent bit of skirt left in the competition, ie. last night's Empire team leader Kate. Has she heard him speak?!? Or sing?!?!? What's she doing???!! STOP!!!!
The only thing I'll say about Empire's project last night (apart from 'well done', they were worthy winners by about 100 country miles) is that their effort could have been severaly jeopardised by their picking a child actor with a nut allergy as their advert's front man. This cunning assassination attempt would have made great TV, make no mistake. Sadly they opted to change the script and therefore the edited commercial showed this child joyously throwing his cereal up in the air (rather gulping it down with gusto), which incidentally is the same reaction that I have when I'm presented with a cucumber sandwich.... but that's another story.

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